24/7 Cell Phone: 401-223-4430
Providence Rhode Island Raccoon Control Situation: You absolutely can, legally, trap and remove those raccoons yourself, and relocate them on your friend's property. In the situation that you described, that's what I recommend. If your house is in disrepair, the total amount of work necessary to "animal-proof" it would be very high. You need to get those raccoons out of the area. Raccoons are easy to catch in an appropriately sized cage trap, such as the Havahart 1079 from Home Depot. Bait it with bread, marshmallows, anything but meat (or you'll catch stray cats) and relocate the raccoons at least 10 miles away. If the trapping is on your property and you bring them to private property where you have permission, it's totally legal, no permit necessary. I bet you'll do a good job and solve the problem if you keep at it. Just be sure to treat those masked bandits right - don't leave them sitting in a trap for very long. Relocate them as soon as possible. PS. You write very well. PPS. Recent business troubles have forced me to stop taking on new jobs, and I'll likely start to focus on bats and snakes only in the future.
Thanks for responding so quickly. I've been out of town or I would have answered sooner. Another question if you don't mind, and it's probably a silly one, but nonetheless important. I'm assuming I need to get several traps and catch them all at once if possible, right? And it would probably be best to release them all together? How do I know if they are all gone...i.e., no babies up there?
If you wish to learn more, click on the How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic home page. For raccoon control in Providence County, Rhode Island, call us at 401-223-4430, and ask to talk about raccoons in the attic in Providence, RI.