24/7 Cell Phone: 443-231-4132
Baltimore Maryland Raccoon Control Situation: My neighbor and I would like to have you give us a very approximate estimate for raccoon removal. There are several large trees, one a 30 foot cherry. As far as we know, no raccoon is living in either house. There are also chickens in the neighborhood we would like to protect from raccoons. I have a deck and see no signs of them living under it, but don't know exactly what to look for. We live near Baltimore in Maryland. This is at least the second year we have had these raccoons, and I knwo they bred last year. There doesn't seem to be any garbage problem with them. There is one very inconveniently located latrine in my yard and maybe two. I have read that a radio controlled by a sensor may scare them away. Also movement sensor sprinklers were suggested in many articles. Do you feel these items would work since we have to many raccoons to trap all the time. They are constantly tearing up my flower garden as there are a lot of eath worms in our soil. Please contact me with and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks, Kody
There are raccoons in my father's attic in Baltimore... they must die. Now, don't get your panties in a bunch... we have been the lucky recipient of many umm... "rehomed' raccoons. All the local farmers are up in arms... they have been gifted also... some absolute REJECT is giving us a lovely gift of city raccoons. It's October... so it shouldn't matter if there are pups, or kits or whatever raccoon babies are called... in the attic, they should be quite mobile. Outside, I've been shooting them, the farm boys have been putting out fly bait mixed with coke... and there have been a few electrocutions. INSIDE... I can't shoot up the house... (ok, I could... but then I would be in trouble), I can't poison them... ok... I COULD... but then they would probably die in the house. Electrocution amuses me... but once again... dead in the house. Between myself, the brother in law, and my son... we shot all of ours. Disgusting vermin. Dad didn't want to kill his... oh boy... not until AFTER they ripped off the door to the well house and gummed up the well, tore a hole in his new roof, and decided to claim the horse barn... the horse doesn't like this much either. People who rehome raccoons are irresponsible.... WE don't want them anymore than the original owner did. We actually want them LESS... all of us had proper raccoons... they didn't tear things up, lived in the woods and were interesting to watch... THESE are the slacker raccoons, that want to get in the trash, steal the corn, and eat the animal food. So... a) Can I smoke those little bastards out of dad's attic? I'm thinking a lot of wood smoke... and I can just pick them off as they run. b) We are talking a TON of raccoons here... hundreds of them... how can I find out who is the major dumper? WE don't WANT them... the little monsters are even tearing up the soybeans and the hay... breaking into the feed store...anywhere they think they can get free food... those suckers are all over it. Kathy
If you wish to learn more, click on the How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic home page. For wildlife control, animal trapping services, and raccoon control in Baltimore City County, Maryland, call us at 443-231-4132, and ask to talk about raccoons in the attic in Baltimore, MD.