24/7 Cell Phone: 617-939-9710
Boston Massachusetts Raccoon Control Situation: Hi, I live in Boston MA, and have recently had raccoons on our roof (in 3 years, it's only been the last several months we've heard them and mostly because the gentleman behind us died and left his raccoon to roam freely). I went up on our roof and checked out the corner where our soffit intersects the roof but at the time I didn't see any opening to the attic. Recently we heard a ruckus going on and when I went outside to investigate, there was a raccoon in the corner that was evidently trying to claw it's way inside. I did not try and chase it away. The next day I went to check the intersection and it looks like a new hole has been created but it's not yet big enough for the raccoon to fit through (at least it doesn't appear to be big enough.) Before I was able to contact anyone about it, I checked again last night and in one of the roof vents under the eaves, I noticed the eyes of a raccoon in the attic. So it appears that maybe the raccoon was trying to get to the raccoon. So I am presented with two issues, one which your website seems to cover and one it doesn't though both are related. I need to get rid of the raccoon and also prevent the raccoon from continuing its activities. Since the raccoon appears to be in the attic, your website points to using the Boston City Animal Services Animal Services for that. I assume if the raccoon was already in the attic, you would take care of that yourself as well as the closing off of the hole for future prevention. My questions are then how do you suggest I address this situation? Use Boston City Animal Services to get rid of the raccoon and then close off the hole myself? If the raccoon returns, give you a call? Do you offer your "repair" services only if you first catch a wild animal or do you also provide services for prevention once a problem is existing (I have a picture of the raccoon in the corner - a bit blurry and dark but it's there nonetheless). Do you have any other thoughts on what I can do to solve this problem? Do you have someone local to come and survey my situation and provide an estimate for services? Thanks for the help, Kevin
If you wish to learn more, click on the How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic home page. For raccoon control in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, call us at 617-939-9710, and ask to talk about raccoons in the attic in Boston, MA.