24/7 Cell Phone: 706-405-2404
Columbus Georgia Raccoon Control Situation: Hello, I am writing to you for Linsette. It has been 9 weeks that she has had raccoons in her attic. It is obvious where their point of entry is (at least two points of entry) and it is also obvious that they are urinating in the attica as the urine is beginning to stain the dining room ceiling. She has had 2 wildlife services out to her house - none of whom would go into the attic to trap and remove the animals - nor relocate them. There are deffinitely babies as she hears them squealing for their mother during the night - and she hears them in the walls as well - they are all over now. Please help! You are the only company that appears to have a sound approach and thorough manner about removing and relocating these pests. Linsette is afraid to go home anymore and stays elsewhere because everyone has told her they will not go into the attic to assist. We are really praying for your assistance. Please. Have a heart - even if it means paying more to have you come out if this is not your territory - she will do what it takes to get rid of these animals in a humane way - as quickly as possible. Please call Linsette as this is not her email - being that she is not in her home, she doesn't have access to the computer at this time. I am only a friend helping. Thanks so much. Michelle
Hey David, I found your website through a web search after having issues with raccoons in the ceiling of my apartment. I live in Columbus and therefore, due to advice on somone else's site, contacted Columbus Pest Control. After a brief conversation I was quickly hung-up on when stating that I was not the home owner. I'd like to suggest that you clearly include on your site that, unless you are the owner of the home in question, the businesses that they endorse for raccoon removal WILL NOT RESPOND if you are a renter (as hinted at by Rosalyn in the "Example Raccoon Control" section). The circumstances for many renters with absentee landlords is extremely frustrating and proper info on how to proceed with pest removal, whether an animal, bugs, etc. is very difficult to find. Perhaps you might include a section for those who do not own homes on how one can attempt to solve animal nuisance removal issues? Your website carries an air of professionalism and therefore I felt you might find my feedback useful. I'm sure others have found your site online and have had similar problems. Best, -Dan
If you wish to learn more, click on the How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic home page. For wildlife control, animal trapping services, and raccoon control in Muscogee County, Georgia, call us at 706-405-2404, and ask to talk about raccoons in the attic in Columbus, GA.