wildlife removal professionals servicing 95% of the USA. Click
here to hire a
local raccoon removal expert in your home town. Updated
2018. But read the below advice first!
There’s no sense in tip-toeing around the question. No,
high-pitch sound deterrent machines don’t repel raccoons. The
FTC has officially declared ultrasonic high-pitch sound emitting
devices to be fraudulent and completely ineffective.
Nonetheless, you will still find these machines for sale in
stores and on the internet, under all sorts of false promises of
100% critter deterrent abilities. I definitely recommend staying
away from these devices, and not throwing away your money.
For those who don’t do their homework, it’s easy to fall for the
high-pitch sound device hoax. While raccoons are indeed
nocturnal animals, they aren’t known for making extra efforts to
stay out of our way. There are those cases (more and more,
unfortunately) where people just can’t resist a raccoon’s
extreme level of cuteness, and will feed it, making it
comfortable and relaxed around us. It’s understandable – aside
from being adorable, raccoons are a great source of
entertainment and amusement. Also owed to our reaction at the
sight of them, urban raccoons as a species have become more and
more fearless, learning to see us more as décor or even allies
rather than as threats. We mustn’t forget, though, that they are
incredibly opportunistic, and will leave our homes in ruins if
they have the chance. But before they adapted so well and became
totally urbanized, raccoons would’ve stayed away from human
activity and human noise as much as possible. Keeping this in
mind, it’s easy to see why we might think that raccoons would be
susceptible to noises or high-pitch sounds, especially when
high-pitch sound emitting machines are advertised the way they
are. I think this is the reason why high-pitch sound deterrent
machines still sell, but I can definitely guarantee that they do
not work.
There is something to the whole noise deterrent strategy, but
it’s certainly not high-pitch sound devices. If you want to try
a sound repellent tactic to get rid of raccoons or prevent
raccoons from entering your property, you could see if a radio
works for you. Chances are that it won’t, but you might get
lucky. If you leave the radio on at a high volume for a couple
of days (three, four), the raccoon might feel unsafe and decide
to leave. What can I say? It’s worth a try. At least you don’t
spend anything or risk your health by trying it.
Check out all our other content so that you can educate yourself
on raccoons, how and why you should keep them away from your
property, and where you can get professional assistance in
dealing with them in a safe and humane manner.
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