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Waterbury Connecticut Raccoon Control Situation: I found a raccoon's nest last night. OK, I am not 100% certain it is a raccoon's nest. But we had for the first time ever a raccoon incursion last week -- twice -- into a bathroom. And there is scratching at the nest area. So it seems like the most logical. I contacted via email two "pest" companies last night, but was thinking today that raccoon's might be more into the wildlife management arena. Perhaps you could give me a call or an email and we could further discuss the problem and if you are able to handle? Is a racoon coming into your yard enough to costatute as an exposure risk to an unvaccinated animal or would it actually have to attack my dog? A raccoon would actually have to have rabies, which is extremely rare, and be staggering around drooling and foaming, and then somehow bite your dog. The infectious state for a rabid raccoon is only a few days before the raccoon dies, and it has to be transferred directly. Basically, there's a reason rabies is pretty much nonexistant. Thanks for the reply. I am having a problem getting the local animal cotrol officer to accept that. They seized my dog and cat on oct 7 due to the risk of exposure to a rabid racoon that supposedly happened on sept 25 he waited a whole week. I appealed to the Director of the health dept but he said i couldnt prove that the racoon hadnt come into contact previouse to this incident and because animal control official lied and said he had reason to believe otherwise. I even took a letter from the vet who vaccinated them after the fact saying they had no sighns of attack and had been issued a rabies vaccination. Unfortunatly I wont be able to save them, they have 7 days as of today to be placed with a vet for 6 months or times up.We have no resources to do that locally if i could afford it. I was there he never made contact, humans were closer than my animals were not vaccinated either but have they mentioned human exposure oh no.I appreciate your thoughts thanks for taking the time, the vet on the board of health wouldnt answer that. If you have any thoughts,opinions or suggestions feel free im desprate, if not I understand theres alot of it these days really you did than you had too. I do not know what else to suggest. I doubt the pets got rabies, but isn't the post-exposure treatment good enough? I think animal control is being very unfair. Thanks, Jay
If you wish to learn more, click on the How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic home page. For wildlife control, animal trapping services, and raccoon control in New Haven County, Connecticut, call us at 860-661-4413, and ask to talk about raccoons in the attic in Waterbury, CT.